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                  The Comparison of Gods and Human Beings

                The Nemean Ode VI is part of the Pindar's odes collection. This poem compares the similar and different traits of human beings and gods.


                In line 3, the writer explains one similarity between the Gods and humans. He talks about how we all breathe and come from one single mother. This line uses the example of taking breaths, to show that both Gods and humans have some of the similar needs. Also, the writer uses lines 7-8 to show that we can be more like the Gods, by bettering ourselves. Otherwise, human beings are not much different than Gods (Fiery, Gloria ). For instance, humans can achieve being God-like by strengthening their minds and body.


                Although this poem shows a few similarities, it also demonstrates differences between human beings and Gods. In the first few lines the writer uses the example of power to differentiate between gods and humans. The author implies that individually humans do not have as much power until they try to better themselves, while gods without an effort have great power (Fiery, Gloria ). Towards at the end of the poem, he writes that humans have fate no matter what they do, rather the Gods who do not have fate.


                Many differences and similarities between human beings and Gods are shown throughout the poem of Nemean Ode VI. Line 3 shows how both God as well as Human beings come from a single mother and breathe the same air (Fiery, Gloria ).  However, the next line describes the difference, by saying the Gods have much more power over humans. As the poem unfolds, you see that humans can become as good as the Gods. For instance, humans can better themselves through their mind, and body.


                   Work Cited


Fiery, Gloria. The Humanistic Tradition. 5th New York  McGrawHill, 2006. 15 . Print